Initially, our entire team consisted of a group of freelancers who carried out orders to create software for the Metaverse.
We worked unorganized, but everyone knew each other perfectly, talked a lot and were all like one big and friendly family. Peter Jung has always been our leader and he came up with a proposal to create a strong company with plans to become the advanced company in the field of creating software for Metaverse. We found investors among the companies we work with who were willing to finance our future company from the beginning. After long discussions, distribution of responsibilities and a lot of work with documents, we jointly created!
We understood that we would need an office for successful work, so we immediately found a suitable option and engaged in its arrangement and branding.
To expand the staff and increase the company`s income, we have developed an investment project Heng Kiliman has been elected to be the project manager.
The raised funding will be aimed at finding experienced programmers and expanding the staff of developers capable of providing solutions for Metaverses, as well as entering new markets, marketing and subsequent expansion of the customer base.
The official launch of the project.
Creating a large detailed presentation so that you can get acquainted and understand all the advantages and all the subtleties of investing in the project, as well as learn more about
We are developing and improving in order to make it convenient and comfortable for you to use your investments to earn money with us. Therefore, we are creating mobile applications for more convenient access to the project
No one can predict the future. All business companies always take into account the risks of external factors that can negatively affect the company`s income. We are going to start creating a reserve insurance fund, to which we will redirect 5% of our company`s profits to insure the deposits of our investors in case of unpredictable situations in the world. The insurance fund will be used for payments to investors in case of bankruptcy of the company.
Creating a cryptocurrency trading team to open up new areas for the company`s income and investors. We also plan to increase the income of investors by trading on the cryptocurrency market.
Creation of a center for training new specialists in the field of creating software for metaverses. Training of our own specialists will greatly support the expansion of the company.
Creating our own POLITUR ME LIMITED company’s token.
Adding a token of the POLITUR ME LIMITED to decentralized exchange markets for free token trading.
Passing the audit with Certik to check the security and reliability of the token
Adding a token of the company to centralized exchange markets for free token trading.
After the official launch of the metaverse.
Development of a payment system for using the token as a payment currency in the Metaverses.
The company will open its offices in the following cities: London, Istanbul, Madrid, Berlin, New York.
Creation of a virtual office of the company in the Metaverse, which every investor of the company will be able to visit using his own avatar.
Creation and sale of equipment for virtual reality and access to the metaverse under our own brand.
Payment of dividends to all investors based on the results of the quarterly profit from the sale of our Metaverse equipment.